My incredible friend, Shelly, whom I haven't seen since Ellie was a tiny newborn just happened to be in my area on business and was able to spend the weekend with me. It was so great. We stayed up late and talked and talked. It was just like no time had passed since we last saw each other. We went to the butterfly house because I thought Lauren and Ellie would really like that and much to my dismay they cried and wouldn't go inside (pictured above). I never even knew a person could be afraid of butterflies and I certainly didn't know that my own kids were.
Then then the two of us went to see CATS. A touring broadway group just happened to be here. (On a side note: The music and dancing and costumes were amazing, but I have to say that I have NO idea what it was about. Is there really any sort of story line or plot to that thing? If so, please enlighten me.) And then we stopped for devilish desserts, something neither of us has probably done for 20 years. And more amazing, we ate it all. I still haven't fully recovered from that. It was so great to see you Shelly. Please, let's do it again.