Friday, December 25, 2009


Cousins, pajamas, presents under the tree, lots of excitement, cell phone, robes, blankets, Glee, Barbie style salon, Nintendo DS (finally), books, dresses, Christmas dinner made by the man :), happy to clean up, white Christmas just in time, new snow pants and gloves, art supplies for lots of drawing, our guest put in the new kitchen faucet :), treadmill for the extreme overeating, big beanbag chair, everyone happy, everyone getting along and helping each other! It's been a great Christmas!Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra,
So nice to hear from you. Your girls are all grown up and beautiful!!! How are you liking the Midwest? I sure do miss you!!!!! Please call me if you are ever out this way again! :) :)
Have a very Merry Merry Christmas.


Brooke said...

Oh, the only bummer is that your tree is sooooo tiny. Maybe you'll get a bigger one next year. ;)

LBBlum said...

What a tree! wacka wacka!!!
Hope you had a great Christmas! So fun to spend with family!!!