Nothing fancy for Spring Break this year. We made our way over to Chicago via Springfield, IL and stopped over to visit the Lincoln Presidential Library. It is a great museum with video presentation marvels akin to Disneyland. Extremely entertaining AND educational. You can't top that. Here the girls are posing next to their favorite Mary Lincoln dress and then dressing up as Mary and Abe. We learned a lot about the civil war and politics during that time. We also learned about Abe's childhood. He only had one full sibling- an older brother, and was raised primarily by his step-mother. I thought that was interesting.
Then it was off to Chicago. We stayed in Naperville at the Holiday Inn and something happened that has never happened to me before. At about 2 AM the fire alarms start blaring in our rooms and throughout the hotel. We were evacuated along with everyone else and immediately the fire trucks were there. Turns out, someone pulled the fire alarm. There was NO fire. Thank goodness, but still a strange experience. And thank goodness there was no snow that night.
The next day was spent in the city at the Art Museum. That was one place we never got to during our time in Chicago. It is an amazing place and HUGE. We were there for several hours and probably saw about 1/5 of the place. Then off to a place we HAD been before, our favorite restaurant in Chicago- Piazannos! We love their chicago-style pizza. It is soooooo yummy!
Then it was back to Plainfield for the big show! Yes, Plainfield North High School's production of Annie. It is the reason we went that direction in the first place. Very cute, and of course, we saw our friend Aram who sang, "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile." Maddie got to spend the next day with her friends while Richard attended some business meetings and we went to a movie. We had never seen Princess and the Frog and were able to catch it at our favorite dollar theater. All-in-all a great trip. Very low-key. I liked it. A lot.
Field Trips
1 month ago
I would love to go to the museum in Springfield. I read Love is Eternal in high school and that sparked my interest in Mary Todd Lincoln.
That picture of your girls in front of Seurat's 'Sunday Afternoon...' reminds me of Ferris Beuler's Day Off! Have they seen it? Looks like a great trip.
I'll have to grab the book Love is Eternal. Sounds interesting.
About the painting, do you see how non-plussed my kids look? I could NOT convince them that they were at a very cool place. That Sunday Afternoon was incredible. I didn't know the original was that big.
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