Thursday, September 20, 2007

More Disneyland

Here they are, the little princesses.
Richard is so proud of his paver. We have to find it every time we go and usually take a picture. Just in case any of you want to find it, it is in one of the sections that is close to the walk in entrance off of Katella.
This was the most "magical" day. They really felt like true princesses this day and were really starting to act like it too. (Princesses can be very bossy.)

1 comment:

Joni said...

Very cute, of course. Too bad my kids live about as far away from any type of Disney park you can possibly get. Sigh. Oh well, that just means when we do eventually make it there it will be all the more special.

Glad to see you were able to get your profile pic up. Be ready to be regualarly harrassed. I'm a serious blogger. :)