Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I auctioned off birthday cakes for the YW auction last spring. These are the cakes I made for the winners. I'm still experimenting with frostings and fondant and designs and stuff. But I really like making cakes. I get to be creative and then don't feel like I'm obligated to keep my creation. It soon disappears. And, if it doesn't turn out so great, oh well, it still tastes pretty good.

This little girl wanted a lemon cake. I would normally do a princess cake pink, or purple, or blue even, but didn't think either of those would be too great with a lemon cake. Also, the princesses were a little too big for the cake and had to be held in with wire. They do look like damsels in distress about to fall off the ledge. I would probably put this in the cake wreck category. I will not be happy, though, if I see it on there next week. Don't even think about it. Please. I couldn't handle the shame.

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1 comment:

Joni said...

Don't worry. All the cake wrecks on cake wrecks have to be professionally made to qualify.