My little Lauren is 8!
It's family party year this year, so here's a recap.
She wanted to go Laser tagging. Maddie was the only one who'd ever done this before. So it was a new experience for our family. We ended up having a pretty good time. Richard, Ellie and Emma were on a team and the rest of us were on the other team. Their team smoked us. It wasn't even close. When we got the results Richard came in first place and Emma, my quiet, ballet dancing, novel reading, shy and reserved girl came in second. Turn's out she's kind of a stealthy little sharp-shooter. I was kinda surprised. Then we went to Culvers because Lauren wanted chicken, fries and mashed potatoes. That was the closest place I could think of that had all of those things on the menu. She was happy. Then it was home for cake--monkey cake! That was her choice for cake. For the record, she did change her mind and want a Wonder Woman cake, but I didn't think my decorating skills were up to that task, so we settled for the monkey. Phew!
Her choice of gifts was a little out of my comfort zone. I'm a whiz at coming up with any Polly Pocket, Barbie, Littlest Pet Shop, doll or stuffed animal, but when she said, "Bakugan" I had no idea what she was talking about. But with a little research I found the Bakugan and the baseball Strike Zone game. (What the hay?) Who is this child and why is she disrupting my little "girly" family routine? Ever seeking for individuality, that girl.
Next up, the big dunkin'. Stay tuned for that.
Field Trips
1 month ago
Wow, Happy Birthday to Lauren! I can't believe how fast other people's kids grow. ;)
I still remember being there in the delivery room and you shouting "Get the Camera!" and me saying, "Already?" and you shouting, GET THE CAMERA!" and then she was there. She was such a cute baby!
I'm glad you get a little variety, but I have not idea was Bagukan is either. Great cake though! *saluting*
Oh no! You have to endure Bakugan too?? Once they get one they only want more. At least you weren't looking for them at Christmas like others.
Happy Birthday!
Yay! Happy birthday to Lauren. Give her a huge hug for me. I wish you were here for her baptism. fun, fun, fun.
What a fun birthday party. I loved all the pictures. and the cake??? We will be there to see you all in a couple weeks.
"Maddie was the only one who'd ever done this before. So it was a new experience for our family."
-Well then whose family am I in?
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