Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Cruise-the end

Of course we had to buy treats on the beach from the traveling treat vendor guy.

Our purchase was these chili limon chicharrones. Yummy!

Ellie made friends with Alana the minute we got on the boat and they spent every possible moment together, even proposing a sleep-over on the ship (didn't happen, but cute idea anyway). They just got along like bosom buddies and even performed in the Camp Carnival talent show together with their rendition of "Down By the Bay". Here's the weird part. . .she's from Elk Grove, CA and lived less than a mile from our house, but they were in a different school boundary. It's a small world. . .again!

Finally our trip came to an end and we were actually pretty tired and ready. No more 24 hour food, someone to make your bed everyday, swimming, playing, karaokeing, etc. Reality sets in once more. Goodbye, cruise life, until we meet again.
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