Saturday, March 5, 2011

Honk Jr.

Emma has just finished her musical, Honk Jr. It is the story of the ugly duckling. It's actually quite cute. Emma played the part of a flight attendent goose. She did a great job. Her song was very cute and well-done. Her moment in the spotlight was shared with her friend Kassidi. They were the lead geese. Her other friend, Anna, was Mother Duck. My little girls really liked this show and have been singing some of the songs almost non-stop. ". . . You can play with your lunch before you eat it. . ."
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Maddie said...

I can't think of a single person in this family who has been singing that line. In fact, I don't even remember it. Try "It's the joyyyy of motherhood!" or "Out there, someone's gonna love ya! Someone's gonna love ya! Warts and all!"

Sandra said...

That just goes to show that you should spend more time at home.