Thursday, October 16, 2008

Once On This Island

Auditions for the Middle School Musical recently took place. I strongly encouraged my girls to go for it. And after anxiety and stressful days, they did. And guess what?. . .Yes, of course you guessed it. They both got lead roles. Maddie actually got THE lead role as Ti Moune and Emma is a Storyteller (a big part). We are now looking at several months of long rehearsals and hours of costume making I assume. What could be more exciting? It's fun to live vicariously through your children.


Sandra said...

Humph. Strongly encouraged my bootay. Forced perhaps.

Sandra said...

Oh sorry, that's maddie not sandra. :]

Sandra said...

Now, now. Let's not exaggerate. I did force them to memorize the monologue for the audition instead of just read it. And see. . .it paid off beautifully.

Erin said...

I love seeing the mother-daughter banter online! Hooray for Maddie and Emma! If only we could come see the show. I've never heard of it before, but it sounds intruiging.
Your trip to the lake looks gorgeous! I'm surprised you could swim in October. Didn't you post about a rain day off from school like a whole month ago? I'd have thought the weather would have gotten even more severe. Shows what I know about any climate other than California!
Your busy days as an involved mom have me braced for the future. Moms who say, "Don't you think you'll want to go back to work when your kids are all in school because you'll be so bored?" clearly haven't considered as many volunteer opportunities as you have! I'm sure the teachers are grateful for selfless moms like you getting involved!

LBBlum said...

Now you have to live through the pre-performance gitters too...

That sounds exciting!