Monday, August 23, 2010

Balloons Overhead

Several of our days during the late summer have gifted us with the unexpected surprise of hot air balloons flying low directly over our house. We must be in the path of a balloon training course or something. I'm not really sure why they're there, but it sure is fun when we see them. It makes me want to get in one. I'm imagining being inside and then just jumping out into "our" pool. Then I'm waving up and calling, "Thanks for the ride."
Wow. That's kinda weird now that I write it down. I must be in need of some excitement in my life.
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Cloves said...

You need to get yourself to Albuquerque in October. The balloon festival is so fun.

Margie said...

Or Eden, UT on Labor day.

Sandra said...

I just found out there is a big festival here. That must be why they are out and about lately.