Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School - 2010

And these are the obligatory "first day of school" photos. Maddie was NOT able to get her cast off in time for the big day. She had to wait until Friday. But she's lovin' the boot. Lauren is just as thrilled as usual.
Here's hoping for a great school year. The big girls are already anxiously talking about the school productions. We're sure to be very busy for the next nine months. Wait, we just got done being busy. Oh yeah, we're always busy.
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Joni said...

What beautiful girls!

Where do you do your clothes shopping? I'm at a loss.

Sandra said...

Big girls were liking Maurices this year. Little girls are liking Justice and JCPenney. We did minimal school shopping this year. We seem to have no shortage of clothing.