Friday, June 3, 2011

Fine Arts Awards

This was a cake Maddie's friends made for the event. It's vegan.

Maddie received many awards on this fine evening. Several denoted her progression through the International Thespian Society (ITS). It's kinda like the Oscars for high school.

Maddie with her friends.

Maddie's friend who saved the show by stepping in to fill a part with one day notice. We love him for that, and also just because he's so cute, and nice, and talented.

Maddie and her friend won first place for a dramatic speech competition.

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1 comment:

Brooke said...

Oh my gosh. I just barely caught up on your blog and it made me miss you like crazy! Look at your girls, Sandra! They are all grown up! They are so beautiful. Is Ellie really 8? How did that happen. And the kicker is that YOU look the SAME, you little weasel. Seriously, you look better than ever. You are beautiful.

Thank you for the nice things you said about me in the mean art teacher post. It made me cry! My kids have a cranky art teacher too, from what I understand. But they do cool stuff as well, so it can't be all bad. But I really do wonder how an art teacher can be ornery. It's the greatest job in the world, after all.

Anyway. I wish you were MY kids' teacher, Sandra.

And. Holy cow, cake maker! They are all sooooo beautiful! Amazing.

I love you. And miss you. Sniff.