I guess it wasn't really all that hard. But here is the story as told by my sister-in-law, Christina.
When talking about the strangest things found when moving furniture to clean, I win. I found a dead gourami stuck to the wall where our fish tank used to be. He must have made a jump for freedom and gotten stuck to the wall on his way to the ocean. Stupid fish. I don't know how long he was there. But he was pretty dry. It was gross. The boys thought it was great. We took pictures.
This isn't the first fish we found outside the tank. But he certainly is the last. Ha Ha. I crack myself up.
There was a time when we were finding them outside on a semi regular basis. So he could have gone missing then. They were also being eaten by other fish (mean little cannibals) so we weren't ever very surprised when they just disappeared on us.
He was bent up like a J. That's why it looks a little distorted. E had the privilege of pulling him off the wall. Hygienic conscious L provided him with a latex glove so he wouldn't get any death germs on him.
I just love it when weird and slightly gross things like this happen. It makes me feel like I'm normal and reminds me that we are all so human. It's great.
Field Trips
1 month ago
1 comment:
Eeew! But really, one time we had two little froggies in an aquarium that somehow escaped. We never knew what became of them until years later when we moved the piano and found them there, dried up like little mummy-frogs! It can happen! Don't feel bad, Christina!
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