It's always amazing to me how siblings can be so different. Here's an example. One of my children often tries to fake sick in order to stay home from school. Another of my children has been faking well for three days in order to be able to GO to school, assuring me daily that she feels fine. I finally figured it out and forced her to stay home on Friday. Can you guess which child is which?
Field Trips
1 month ago
I actually really can't tell. Apparently I haven't had school children long enough to know the difference. But I love that one of your kids can't stand to miss school. How cool is that??
Emma is the one laying down. It was a random picture that Maddie took the other day when she was sick.
I'm guessing Lauren's the fake-sick one and Emma's the fake-well one. I myself often fell into the fake-sick category but never the fake-well one (even though I usually did like school, any chance to stay home was welcome too!). I even remember chewing up some pretzels and spitting them into the toilet to pretend I had thrown up so my mom would let me stay home! Gag.
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