Okay, this seems to be going around right now. Looks like fun.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, just anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game, so I'll come to your blog and leave one about you!
Field Trips
1 month ago
Being in the room with you when Lauren was born and you yelling at me to "Get the Camera, NOW!"
Lots of Hanging Out. Watching Friends, going to McDonalds and learning the art of eating frugally.
I know more memories will come to mind in coming days, so I will probably keep adding to this.
I remember your hot Barbie costume one year for Halloween! Woo-woo!
I remember lots of talks. LOTS of talks. I remember always wanting to be the kind of Mom you are.
I remember doing the school choir and loving it. Flow gently, sweet Afton, among the green braes...
I remember singing Beatles and Indigo Girls on spring trips. And yes, wonderful and marvelous was Aaron to us.
I remember giving you some of my clothes which were too small for me, but which fit you when you were VERY pregnant. Sweet.
I remember when you got your house on Apple Drive and how happy you were.
I remember you being such an awesome friend, someone I loved to talk to because you have real wisdom, great advice, and no judgements to pass.
Love ya, girl.
My memories all include so much laughing with you that I cannot remember the precise events. I just know I laugh when I am with you. In particular, I remember driving over the California Sierras, and across the salt flats into SLC laughing all the way by sharing stories of our surreal lives. . . hmmmm, need I say anymore?? I hope you still laugh, and if not, maybe I need to come visit. Perhaps we bring it out in each other ;)
Debi, visit anytime. Now that we're a bit closer perhaps it can be. We would all love it.
So many funny times...I hate that we had so many laughs at your own expense but remember the night at Jon and Jenny Bakers?
Also, wasn't I a great "filler" at choir, and what was up with our bishop wanting families to sing...YIKES! We all dodged that like the plague.
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