Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mornings With Ellie





I'm loving our school schedule here. Big girls out of the house at 6:45 (a little early, but they're handling it just fine), Lauren doesn't leave until 8:20, I have plenty of time to get her up and going, maybe finish a little homework or reading, and then Ellie leaves at 12:15 for afternoon kindergarten. Everyone actually gets their hair done and has time to put together a decent looking outfit for school. I'm loving it. My kids used to go to school looking so disheveled. I just couldn't seem to get them all ready and out the door at 7:30. I think that one-on-one time with Lauren is the key here. She needs my constant help in the mornings. Bless her little heart, she just doesn't like to get up in the morning.
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1 comment:

LBBlum said...

looks like you are lovin live in Chicago! Are you going to see oprah?
Miss you
wish you could drop some milk off.