Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mary Poppins

Last month The big girls and I had a chance to go see Mary Poppins at the Cadillac theater in Chicago. Mary Poppins is probably my very favorite Disney movie and I was expecting the show to be merely a theatrical performace of the movie. So, since I like it anyway, I was thrilled to be going, but had no great expectations, thinking that I already knew what was going to be there. Boy, was I wrong. While it did follow the basic story line there was so much more! The story stayed truer to the original storybook version and included some new songs while omitting others. There was magic (seriously--magic!) and some of the most amazing dances I have ever seen. It was sooooo worth it. I would see it again. In fact, if I get a chance I want to take the little girls too. I think they would like it. The new supercali. . . song is awesome. Buy it on itunes. No, just go ahead and buy the whole thing. You'll love it.

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