Friday, August 6, 2010

The better to SEE you with


It's official. I'm old. We were shopping the other day when we came across a good deal on reading glasses and Richard said, "Why don't you try them just to see if they make a difference." Well, I did because of course I wouldn't see a difference. Why in the world would I need reading glasses? I can see just fine. So I stood right where the words were just starting to get blurry, put them on, and viola. . . it made a big difference. I could see quite a bit better. So, there it is. I'm wearing glasses and using the scooter when I shop. I'm old.
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Cloves said...

Wait, are you yelling at the neighbor kids to get off your yard? 'Cause you're not old til then.

Margie said...

Haha, I remember my FIRST pair of reading glasses. Now I have a pair in my purse, on my night stand, in my Sunday bag, in my craft room and I go scouting for the cutest ones with the cutest matching cases. Now, the scooter I have not tried. I also hear old people obsess about their bowels. Just to give you a checkpoint.

Sandra said...

Christina, I only yell at the neighbor kids IN my house. As long as they're just in my yard I'm still okay.
Margie, Not obsessing about the bowels yet either, but I have heard that too. My nighbor is a nurse and she was telling me that old people come in for all kinds of things: heart problems, leg pains, etc. But no matter what, they always ask for something for their bowels, and usually before they start discussing the "real" problem.

westonbeal said...

Join the club. I'm looking for bifocals.

Erin said...

I just read through all these recent posts. You've been busy! I can't believe you and Maddie and your feet--what a bummer. Ellie looks so grown up in her dance costume. And you've made me want to visit Chicago! Glasses are totally in, and yours are very cute.

Jill said...

Dollar store has cheapest glasses but they are the funky pink rhinestone gramdma type. But you don't care, you are old. Oh, and susnsweet prune juice tastes the I have heard.