Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Foot Trouble


Okay, here is the story of our feet.
A few months ago (early May I think) I started doing Insanity workouts with a few friends from my ward. We did it 5 days/wk at 5:30 am. It felt great. I loved it, and of course I hated it too. But I was feeling good. Then a few weeks later another group started training for a half marathon which will be in Oct. The training schedule required running 4 days/wk with a long run on Saturdays. I figured if some was good, more would be better, so I started that too. Then, another lady in our ward teaches a really good water aerobics class 2 days/wk and it's actually a pretty good work out (for water aerobics) so I decided to do that too. I was feeling great, but my legs were kinda hurting. Then they were really hurting. And then, the Chicago trip with the heels and all the walking and stuff just did me in and my left foot rebelled. It was not going to do anymore and it was letting me know in no uncertain terms. Swelling, pain, aches, limping. . .arghhh! So, I limped around for about a week and a half and it just wasn't getting any better and I just didn't know what it was, so I relented and went to the doctor. Diagnosis=Severe tendinitis. Treat it like a broken foot. Stay off it for 3 weeks, ice, elevate, etc.
Well, I tried. I stayed off it for about 5 days as much as I could when one day I was upstairs and started hearing moaning from Maddie's room. So I went in there and saw Maddie laying in the middle of her room wailing about her foot. What??????? I was totally confused. How did she hurt her foot? Could it really be that bad? Is this just overly dramatic Maddie again and she really has a cramp or something? She seemed as confused as I was and could not provide any real answers for me, but then I noticed it starting to swell up and went to get her some ice. She was still pretty dazed, but started to tell me how she fainted and then her foot hurt when she woke up.
So, away we go to the doctor to get an x-ray and there it was. . . 2 broken bones in her left foot. (That's her picture up there.) She got a splint and a cast the next day. Well, after running and carrying her around all day, my foot was not being treated very well and it really started flairing up again.
So, we have been off our feet as much as possible. My foot is finally starting to feel okay, but now I'm a little gun-shy and am wondering just what this old body is capable of. I do NOT want to go through that again.
Maddie will hopefully get a boot right before school starts. And poor Emma is feeling like she's carrying the load. Don't worry folks, I think she's going to be okay!
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