Okay, so I'm a total wench. I've recently discovered that my kid's friends are all scared of me. Apparently I look mean and am always mean. Well, I've recently discovered that it's true.
Take this weekend, for example. Emma spent the entire time with one of her best friends. She spent the night with us on Sunday night. The two of them jumped on the trampoline almost non-stop. When I got up this morning I looked up and saw one of the net poles leaning at an odd angle. I had to drag it out of them, but the story goes like this. It's too hard and inconvenient to exit the trampoline under the net like we have always done. It's much easier to scale the net and try to go over the top. But the poles are not quite made to withstand 80 or so pounds at the top and they will bend. And then. . .they will not bend back.
Somewhat irritating to me. So, we had to have a little talk about thinking things through to one and speaking up when someone else isn't making a good choice and you know better, to the other. A very wenchy mother move.
Then today, Lauren and Ellie played the entire day with neighborhood friends. There is a crew of about 8-10 kids their age that like to play together. Of course, they spend a good deal of the time here. Today was a beautiful day so the rule was "play outside". I'm hearing talk of potions and decide to poke my head out to see what the concoction was made of. Right at that moment I see one of Lauren's friends reaching towards my hydrangeas ready to pick the biggest blossom cluster. (A short background: I got a blue plant for my birthday 3 years ago and a pink one for my anniversary 3 years ago. I planted them and they have never bloomed--until now. I have waited 3 years for it.) Okay, I freaked. "Hey, hey, hey," I yelled. I couldn't stop to think of names and words. "Don't pick the flowers. . .please." After the successful halting, I was able to explain that these flowers were for looking at and not picking. But that didn't stop her from giving me the stink face and storming off to cry.
Yes, I see why kids don't like me much, but . . .it takes a village. I guess I get the unfortunate title of "wench mother".
Field Trips
1 month ago
unfortunately, our society is giving too much freedom to children to to whatever they please and not expect any reprimand from any adults that are not their parents. What a shame. I've had a few conflicts with parents of kids I needed to correct, so you're not alone. I applaud your courage to do what needs to be done. Wench On!
I am sooooooooooooooooo glad I'm not the only wench mother. Here is what I hear coming from my darling children's mouths all day. "You are SO mean. I wish I had a nicer mom." Of course I want to say, "I'll show you mean, you little weasels!"
Way to stand up for your hydrangeas, too.
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