I've met the exception. My Ellie really thinks she is a princess. . . and so far we haven't told her otherwise. But she really does have a certain aire about her. It's the way she walks--arms down to the sides with wrists holding "pretty" hands out in an unmistakable princess fashion. It's the attitude--a certain bossyness that only a real princess could get away with. And ever since Christmas, it's the way she sleeps. She had been asking for a sleeping mask (is that what you call them?) for a while because Maddie has one and she really thought it was great. So she got one in her stocking this year. I just laugh every time I go to check on her and there she is, a four year old wearing a sleeping mask. Would anyone but a real princess do that?
Field Trips
1 month ago
I was going to say I can't believe she actually uses it, but I really do believe it.
That is funny.
You are in so much trouble when she hits puberty. Better you than me. The only "aire" my kids will have will be the stinky kind.
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