On Friday, I went with Emma to the Science Center. First we learned all about Darwin. Then, we got to watch an IMAX movie about Kilimanjaro
Then, on Saturday it was Choir Competition day. We traveled to a high school about 35 min. away and I watched the choirs perform for their competition and by 10:00 we were on our way to Six Flags. It was a perfect day. The weather was perfect, the crowd was light and the company was delightful. Emma and her friend Kassidi were cute and funny all day. We rode every good ride in the park. That's why I love amusement parks with Emma. She's the only one in my family that likes to go on thrill rides. One right after the other all day. I am finding though, that I must be getting old because I really can't do anything that spins anymore. I used to love that stuff, but now it just makes me want to vomit. (Sorry, I just had to say it like it is. There's just no sugar-coating puke.)
The icing on the cake is that Emma's choir got a Superior rating on their competition and got a trophy. Yay for them! AND. . .I finally met Wonder Woman. I've been waiting my whole life for that. I got a picture, but nothing makes you feel short and SQUATTY like standing next to a 6 foot amazon woman wearing high-heeled boots and a red and blue body suit. The contrast was just too drastic. Couldn't do it. Sorry folks. But if you ever get your hands on this photo I guarantee you will be able to blackmail me into just about anything. Also, if you are a really tall woman and have been wondering what to do with your career, I've got an idea for you. Six Flags has a black wig that will probably look great on you.
Anyway, while we were gone our ducks came waddling out of their nest and there was drama at home. This is a future post.
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