My quick response was, "Downstairs somewhere."
"No, she's not. I was just looking for her down there."
"Well, she's not up here." So the search began. We looked in every room, under the piano, behind couches, in closets, and bathtubs. We were calling and calling for her, "Lauren, this isn't funny. You need to come out now." We figured she was trying to play a little hide-and-seek with us. That idea quickly turned to panic. Could she have gone out? Would she do that? Did someone come in and take her? Richard is prone to letting panic set in very quickly and immediately took hold of that conclusion. I had to call him to reason quickly before he dialed the police. I said, "Richard, we haven't looked somewhere. I've seen this before. I remember Joni doing this as a child. She's asleep somewhere and we have to find where." That's when Richard walked over to the couch,(that we had looked under, behind, and on every side), picked up a pillow and. . . viola! Just like magic, there she was. Pretty funny now!
1 comment:
I'm glad you got a picture to go with the story, because I have a feeling you'll be telling her that story her whole life. Funny. Glad it had such a happy ending!
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