Yay! I'm so glad it's almost over. I'm so tired of political debates. "Can't we all just get along?" (My favorite Rodney King quote.)
I am very fearful for the future of our country. I'm also extremely cynical and have almost lost all hope that it will get much better. I have lost a lot of faith in our government and our leaders. I think most of them are corrupt and have their own selfish interests at heart (both sides). I think we're in for big trouble and all I can say is. . . get your food storage ready. Sorry for the downer (wha-wha). Are any of you more optimistic? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Field Trips
1 month ago
Look who had a little postarama!
My kids like pancakes too. I remember not really liking them all that much as a kid. Waffles was another story.
I'm with you on the political stuff. I try to close my eyes and think happy thoughts.
I agree. *sigh* You know who would make a good president?
just kidding.
Yes, I'm glad it's over. Now I can get my life back. Prop 8 here in CA was so all-consuming for awhile, that we kind of put everything on hold to volunteer. I've got mounds of laundry, dirty floors, and piles of mail...I know that must horrify a clean person like you! ;) But Prop 8 passed, and for that I'm very relieved.
MADDIE FOR PRESIDENT!!! Maybe someday, girl! I would vote for you!
Sandra, if you have read my blog, you already know I feeling hopeful and happy right now! I am kind of a minority in my state, but that's okay! I feel strongly about a few things that have pushed me waaaaay awaaaay from the Republican party over the last several (8) years. Do I think the Democratic party is perfect? Of course not! It's politics! Like you said, there is corruption on both sides. There is also good on both sides. I think people voting for one party or another is nuts. Our First Presidency counsels us at every election time to study out the issues and vote for the candidate which is most in line with our belief system. They also state that there are good candidates in both parties!!!
I truly don't think very many people (that I know anyway) really care to read or study the issues much. What they know, they have learned through emails or sound-bytes, and not from their neighbors. They have a perception that Mormons should always vote Republican every time no matter what, which is not what we are hearing from our leaders!
I am always excited to talk to anyone from either side who actually has an opinion to share about the election! (I was really glad you shared in one of my posts...)
While I am excited about the outcome of the election, Obama's victory is not the end-all, suddenly everybody's happy and the country is saved and let's go get some cotton candy kind-of-thing. This is the beginning. But I think he is a great leader that can motivate and inspire people to sacrifice and be better citizens.
So, ummmm, how 'bout some pancakes? They look delish. And I love you. Hope I haven't said too much!
Oops, I made a mistake. I meant "from their neighbors" not "not from their neighbors." Guess I was getting a little riled up! :)
Well- my mom always said, "if it doesn't kill you it probably will make you stronger..."
I just feel- if we are heading for some hardships... hopefully people will humble themselves and recommit to christian values...
Erin, I'm a clean person? I'm so glad you think so. You're the only one I know who thinks so, but I'm going to go ahead and accept it.
Thanks for the positivity All. I was listening to the radio and heard someone say that it's strange that the Mormons got so many blacks to vote with them on Prop. 8 because up until 1974 they were calling blacks "mud-people". Anyone ever heard of that before? Been Mormon my whole life and I've never heard that term once.
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