Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Annual Santa Show


Ever since Maddie was about 6 years old she has been writing, directing, and producing her own plays using siblings as her main characters. Therefore, ever since Emma was about 4 years old she has played the main role of Santa in Maddie's Christmas productions. If I had known then that this was to be an annual Christmas tradition I would have tried much harder to get photos of it. This is pretty hilarious because I have absolutely nothing to do with it and never have. It just happens one night before Christmas and they never forget to do it. They work together to find costumes from anything they can scrounge up in the house, they rehearse, and then they perform. We now have Santa and two elves in the show. I love it. Emma's costume this year is perhaps the best ever. I think it was the polyfill stuffing beard they found this time that made the difference. In the past in has been made of paper. They crack me up.
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1 comment:

Ronda said...

I would love to see it someday. The pictures look darling.