I just love a good "small world" story. So, here's one for you.
We've been feeding the missionaries some since we've been here and found out last time that Elder Taukeiho (sp?) is from Elk Grove and was in our stake in the Liahona ward. Well, we fed them last night and he brought his ukulele to sing a song for us. He's very musically talented and shared a song that his cousin wrote. After he sang Maddie said, "Wow, I haven't seen anyone play the ukulele since the pioneer trek." And he said, "It was probably me." Sure enough, he attended the same pioneer trek that Maddie did (summer 2007), he took his ukulele and Maddie remembers him playing there. He was in the red family and she remembered that. I thought that was amazing.
Field Trips
1 month ago
What's the name of the song? Is it on Youtube? There is a really cool one that guys with Ukes sing called How Can I Be.
That is the song. It's on Youtube? I'll have to go check it out. His cousin wrote it.
Small world indeed. I remember Maddie not being all too excited about going on the trek, but I hope in the end she was glad she did. At the very least it gave her a connection to make, even if it was years later and half-way across the country!
Wow. Why do all the small world stories happen to you?
I get around. ;) JK I think it's a tender mercy from God, given to me so that I will feel like I'm part of the world. I get very sad and lonely. And that's the true answer. Sorry if it's TMI for this public forum.
I think it's Taukeiaho. You forgot the AH sound. like Talk-Ay-Ah-Ho. Nobody can say it except for me. I'm just good like that.
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