A PUPPY PARTY!! naturally.
The truth is that her original desire was to go to My Gym, a children's gymnastics center that also offers birthday parties. It truly is a fun place for a party, but when I checked out the pricing for the place I soon realized we wouldn't be offering that place up. So, I checked around some more and some more and some more and after looking into 13 different places I knew two things. 1) We probably would never do that kind of a party, and 2) I really need to go into business running one of these places. SHEEESH!!!
Anyway, so the puppy party was one of the options because we needed to find a party theme suitable to a boy or a girl since Lauren's very best friend is a boy named Manoah. He ended up being the only boy who came, but told me during the party that it was the "funnest party I've ever been to since my whole life." It really did turn out great. Her best friends were able to make it. We played fun games and did fun crafts.
Our opening activity was to make a dog collar for the puppy they each brought. Then we played fun games like "Dog Pound" (a variation of the popular Fruit Basket game), "Doggie, Doggie, Where's Your Bone",
"Over, Under Relay", "Sniff out the Treasure"-treasure hunt, etc. We had a couple others as options for good weather, but it was another rainy day here, so we weren't able to play the Jump Through the Hoop game or the bone on a spoon game. We did a freeze dance to "Who Let the Dogs Out" which the kids enjoyed far more that I thought they would. And of course, had puppy paw cupcakes and ice-cream.
and Puppy Chow with Dog Bones/Scooby Snacks
When the party was over we all went out to eat to celebrate the birthday and also Maddie's straight A report card. Yay for her!!
Maddie chose The Spaghetti Factory (of course) so we went to the one downtown where the restaurant is in an actual old train station and the train goes right by it while you eat. We had a perfect view and let the kids go right up to the window when the train came by (They are standing about 10 feet from the train).
On her real birthday, which was on Monday, she got fresh donuts for breakfast and opened the gift from our family, which was all new soccer clothes and accessories. The real gift is that she got to sign up for soccer this spring. She has been wanting this for a while. I hope she enjoys it and is able to listen to the coach and follow instructions (her most difficult task in life).
Happy Birthday Lauren! Looks like a great party!
Good luck with Soccer. I know we enjoy spending every Saturday watching little kids run up and down a field, not necessarily the direction the ball is rolling.
Which is partly the reason I have neglected this wish for so long.
Your puppy party was perfect! The treats were seriously the cutest ever.
We're signing Bennett up for soccer too... we'll see how that goes.
Wow, my little Lauren is 7! Time sure flies when it's someone elses kid. :)
You're a great Mommy. Looks like a terrific party. I'm starting to realize that I need to get one thrown together here pretty quickly.
Yeah for Lauren on her birthday! And Yeah for Maddie on her grades!
I LOVE this idea for a party. In fact, Allie's birthday is coming in a couple weeks and she's obsessed with dogs (NOT the real ones...she's mostly petrified of those too), so I've convinced her to do a puppy party too! Thanks for a great idea.
If you get a chance, would you email me details on the games? They all sound cute but I'm not familiar with most of them, except of course the freeze dance. And what did you put on the cupcakes to make a paw--it doesn't look like frosting. Any tips you can give me would be appreciated! Thanks!
Seriously cute cupcakes. Your design? Girl scout cookies and raisinettes? Yeah for Maddie's straight A's. We love those.
peppermint patties and raisenettes actually.
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